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Recommended age 12-18
126 minutes
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The adventure/comedy film We Have a Ghost, directed by Christopher Landon, is thrilling, captivating and engaging. I like how this film balances elements of comedy and drama, while still maintaining a suspenseful plot.

Based on the short story, "Ernest," by Geoff Manaugh, this film follows the Presley family as they embark on a mission to find a new home. The home they hope to make lifelong memories in, is haunted by a ghost named Ernest who quickly comes to be known as nothing other than misunderstood. Since Ernest has no recollection of how or why he died, his soul is unable to fully leave earth. Eventually, the youngest child of the Presley family, Kevin, makes it his life mission to find this out and with that, the family gains fame.

My favorite character is most-definitely Ernest (David Harbour). Wonderful performance! Considering that David Harbour had zero previous experience with a character such as Ernest, he portrays the role magnificently. He is able to gain pity from the viewers, which is extremely rare for ghosts in films. Ernest's character development evolves perfectly, allowing viewers to grasp the moments of importance responsible for changing Ernest's perspective on life. It allows us to think of Ernest as a misunderstood, confused and helpless soul rather than an angry and malicious ghost. The spectrum of emotions that Ernest experiences do not feel rushed, but are perfectly timed out and displayed. My favorite aspect of this film is how it differs from previous adventure or horror-based films. In most cases, the threat (Ernest) will not associate with the victims - the Presley Family -- in any way other than causing them harm. However, We Have a Ghost offers a fresh dynamic of friendship and cooperation, allowing viewers to not get stuck in the same thriller film cycle. Instead of expecting certain scenes or character motives to take place, I loved seeing something fresh in this film genre. I commend Director Christopher Landon for incorporating new and unexpected ideas to this film.

This film's message is to appreciate, value and love the people in your life. Appreciate the littlest moments, because at any given time, those moments can turn into only memories --live life to the very fullest.

I give We Have A Ghost 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, plus adults. This film releases on Netflix February 24, 2023. Enjoy!

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The discovery that their house is haunted by a ghost named Ernest makes Kevin's family a social media sensation. But when Kevin and Ernest get to the bottom of the mystery of Ernest's past, they become targets of the CIA.
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