The storyline follows Betterave, a young teenager, who crosses the mountain to meet the legendary White Dragon, master of the Beyond. She has a favor to ask him - resurrect her dog. Dragon can't fulfill her request, but he nevertheless takes her to bid her final farewell to her deceased pet.
What a beautifully created short animated film. I love the visuals which look like crayon drawings that have come to life. The storyline is so touching and one that any pet owner will relish. The voice talent for the young girl and the dragon are perfect. The dialogue is in French with English subtitles, which are very easy to read and on screen long enough that you have time to read them. I highly recommend the for KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. It has all the charm of a fairytale and the sensitivity of a young girl for her dog.
The film's message is to be true to yourself and you will get what you need. I give Betterave & the Dragon 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows Betterave, a young teenager, who crosses the mountain to meet the legendary White Dragon, master of the Beyond. She has a favor to ask him - resurrect her dog. Dragon can't fulfill her request, but he nevertheless takes her to bid her final farewell to her deceased pet.
What a beautifully created short animated film. I love the visuals which look like crayon drawings that have come to life. The storyline is so touching and one that any pet owner will relish. The voice talent for the young girl and the dragon are perfect. The dialogue is in French with English subtitles, which are very easy to read and on screen long enough that you have time to read them. I highly recommend the for KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. It has all the charm of a fairytale and the sensitivity of a young girl for her dog.
The film's message is to be true to yourself and you will get what you need. I give Betterave & the Dragon 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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