The storyline follows the magical Ilus who start out life as blue blobs and become animals when they are transported to the outside world. One Ilus is transformed into a dog, and when he is in the outside world he is unable to find his family so he joins a group of rejected animals. An evil reptile and evil cat want to destroy the Ilus, but the plot is foiled thanks to a new friendship between the cat and dog.
The film is very engaging; the plot is filled with so many twists and turns that it keeps your attention. The animation is awesome -- the animals are amusing caricatures of real animals and are very fun to watch. The backgrounds are amazing; the images are clear; and the colors are vivid.
The background music fits the story line and effectively helps set the mood of the film. The voiceover actors exactly fit their characters. My favorite part is when the group of rejected animals realizes that they have a lot in common and work together to save their world.
The film's message is that, even though we may be different from each other, we can learn to work together to make the world a better place to live.
I give The Island Of Ilus 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. The film is fun, engaging, and tells a wonderful story. By Pamela L., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline follows the magical Ilus who start out life as blue blobs and become animals when they are transported to the outside world. One Ilus is transformed into a dog, and when he is in the outside world he is unable to find his family so he joins a group of rejected animals. An evil reptile and evil cat want to destroy the Ilus, but the plot is foiled thanks to a new friendship between the cat and dog.
The film is very engaging; the plot is filled with so many twists and turns that it keeps your attention. The animation is awesome -- the animals are amusing caricatures of real animals and are very fun to watch. The backgrounds are amazing; the images are clear; and the colors are vivid.
The background music fits the story line and effectively helps set the mood of the film. The voiceover actors exactly fit their characters. My favorite part is when the group of rejected animals realizes that they have a lot in common and work together to save their world.
The film's message is that, even though we may be different from each other, we can learn to work together to make the world a better place to live.
I give The Island Of Ilus 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. The film is fun, engaging, and tells a wonderful story. By Pamela L., KIDS FIRST!
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