The storyline of this short animation film follows a boy whose father takes him to select his own lobster, without knowing the intended future of the lobster.
The animation is well executed and the narration is clear and straightforward. I have mixed feelings about the storyline, however, because it is rather ruthless in describing the final minutes of the lobster's life, or the impact that has on the young boy. I felt empathy for both the boy and the lobster and felt that the dad fell short in not explaining from the get go what was going on. Or perhaps that is only because we see one side of the story. The film is well made and opens up an idea that could create a great discussion with film festival attendees.
The message of the film is, be wary when your Dad lets you select a lobster of your own, not knowing what might happen in the end.
I give The Lobster 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The storyline of this short animation film follows a boy whose father takes him to select his own lobster, without knowing the intended future of the lobster.
The animation is well executed and the narration is clear and straightforward. I have mixed feelings about the storyline, however, because it is rather ruthless in describing the final minutes of the lobster's life, or the impact that has on the young boy. I felt empathy for both the boy and the lobster and felt that the dad fell short in not explaining from the get go what was going on. Or perhaps that is only because we see one side of the story. The film is well made and opens up an idea that could create a great discussion with film festival attendees.
The message of the film is, be wary when your Dad lets you select a lobster of your own, not knowing what might happen in the end.
I give The Lobster 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. By Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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