The storyline follows Bobby Coleman (Omari Hardwick), an NFL running back constantly hit with misfortune on the field. As his life fills with questions, he and his daughter Callie (Marsai Martin) argue and Callie's discovers she can control Bobby's playing through a video game. You have to watch the film to find out if Bobby is able to use this to his advantage, or if it creates more trouble for everyone.
Fantasy Football is a comical, family friendly movie. Bobby's big problem is that he cannot keep the football in his hands long enough to land himself a starting spot or make a positive impact on any team. Although actual NFL players may not be in the exact same circumstance as Bobby, this movie nicely represents what their real experiences may be like. For me, it was fascinating to see what the life of a professional athlete might look like. The actors express multiple emotions, and their ability to drop hilarious lines and make faces that catch the audience's attention is what makes this so much fun. The dynamics and banter between Bobby and Anderson (Rome Flynn) helps carry the movie, and make it one that I would watch more than once. Led by Sekinah Brown, the costume designs display dedication and attention to detail. The uniforms that Bobby and the players wear look identical to actual Atlanta Falcons' uniforms.
The message of Fantasy Football is that nothing worth having comes easy. Bobby has had the worst luck in the NFL, after not breaking the rushing record, but all of his struggles become worth it when he finally gets his opportunity to shine.
I give Fantasy Football 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. Fantasy Football is available now on Paramount+. Make sure you check this out!
Maica N., KIDS FIRST! Film Critics, Age 15
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