The story follows a new student who enrolls in Dinosaur School. He doesn't look or act like the other students, but at Dinosaur School, everyone is welcome and he soon makes new friends.
The story is adorable. I would love to see it developed more, but this is a super cute start. The animation style is really interesting; it looks like paper cut outs that move. All the characters are well drawn and interesting. For a film made by pre-school students, the character drawings are quite impressive. The "new student" is particularly interesting, its name is a dead giveaway - E.T. - and E.T. appears to be very alien-like in appearance. I love the scene when E.T. is introduced to the class and the class's reaction to meeting E.T. I also enjoyed all of the backgrounds and there are quite a few. The music and sound effects are fun, lively and appropriate to the story. My favorite sound effect is of the rocketship taking off. In terms of the characters and their interaction, they are all very friendly and upbeat; the voice talent is made up of a group of preschoolers who definitely work together as a tight ensemble cast. That is without a doubt my favorite thing about this film, the young creators who designed and executed the story and the film are truly given a voice and a platform. I love that they are all five-year-olds - very impressive. The photo at the end of film showing this talented group made me giggle. Also to be commended is the director, Dana Leigh Snyder, who portrays The Teacher in the film.
The message of this film is to accept and embrace others who may be different from you and to find common ground.
I give Dinosaur School 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 2 to 8. By Selene W. and Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The story follows a new student who enrolls in Dinosaur School. He doesn't look or act like the other students, but at Dinosaur School, everyone is welcome and he soon makes new friends.
The story is adorable. I would love to see it developed more, but this is a super cute start. The animation style is really interesting; it looks like paper cut outs that move. All the characters are well drawn and interesting. For a film made by pre-school students, the character drawings are quite impressive. The "new student" is particularly interesting, its name is a dead giveaway - E.T. - and E.T. appears to be very alien-like in appearance. I love the scene when E.T. is introduced to the class and the class's reaction to meeting E.T. I also enjoyed all of the backgrounds and there are quite a few. The music and sound effects are fun, lively and appropriate to the story. My favorite sound effect is of the rocketship taking off. In terms of the characters and their interaction, they are all very friendly and upbeat; the voice talent is made up of a group of preschoolers who definitely work together as a tight ensemble cast. That is without a doubt my favorite thing about this film, the young creators who designed and executed the story and the film are truly given a voice and a platform. I love that they are all five-year-olds - very impressive. The photo at the end of film showing this talented group made me giggle. Also to be commended is the director, Dana Leigh Snyder, who portrays The Teacher in the film.
The message of this film is to accept and embrace others who may be different from you and to find common ground.
I give Dinosaur School 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 2 to 8. By Selene W. and Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
From the minds and hands of 5 year olds, 'Dinosaur School' is a story created and partially animated by Urban Wildlife Arts "Animated Storytelling" class.
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