The storyline follows an orphan girl named Masie (Zaris Angel Hator) who wants to be part of a ship's crew, but is too young to participate. However, after the ship almost sinks, Masie has an opportunity to be accepted by the crew and their leader Jacob (Karl Urban).
The Sea Beast is a fantastic movie. It has an exceptional combination of sad, funny and happy scenes. One of the sad scenes is when Masie tells the crew why she is an orphan living at a big orphanage and how her parents passed away when she was very young. There are also several funny scenes such as when Masie and Jacob travel inside of one of the sea beasts and explore the insides of the monster. Another funny one is when a sea beast named Red starts playing with Jacob, making him go up and down on a rope. One of my favorite scenes is when Masie finds a tiny sea creature and wants to keep it, although Jacob doesn't quite agree with her wishes. I love the animation; it looks so realistic. All the characters are wonderfully drawn and developed. Masie is terrific because she is so brave and persistent. She never gives up her dream of becoming a sea beast hunter or helping those she trusts and loves the most. There isn't much background music, but at times the music matches the scene perfectly like when everyone from the ship is at a bar and Masie tries to become one of them.
The message of The Sea Beast is that "No matter who you are or what you look like you can do anything! And don't always believe the past."
I give The Sea Beast 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 18, plus adults. It is available now on Netflix.
By Keila V., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 9
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