The story follows a young boy who has a rude awakening one morning when he discovers an unwanted intruder in his mouth - a gorilla. We quickly learn that the gorilla has invaded due to his lack of dental hygiene.
I have to commend the creator, Shelli Wilbon, for a clever storyline with a poignant message that parents and dentists can relate to. The animation is well constructed, the audio track is very clear. The voices of the boy and mom are spot on. The voice of the dentist is a bit off. Shelli Wilbon does both the mother's voice and the dentist's and her attempt at voicing the male dentist doesn't quite work well. I love her sense of humor, such as having the dentist missing several teeth. It reminds me of the shoemaker not having any shoes - in that the dentist hasn't taken care of his teeth. The backgrounds are all well made - from the home shots to the dentist's office, they all ring true. My favorite scene is when the dentist lures the gorilla out of the boy's mouth with a banana. Clever. The ending is adorable. I love the dancing gorilla!
The message is pretty straightforward - take care of your teeth. Brush them so you won't have a gorilla growing in your mouth.
I give The Grimm 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. Reviewed by Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
The story follows a young boy who has a rude awakening one morning when he discovers an unwanted intruder in his mouth - a gorilla. We quickly learn that the gorilla has invaded due to his lack of dental hygiene.
I have to commend the creator, Shelli Wilbon, for a clever storyline with a poignant message that parents and dentists can relate to. The animation is well constructed, the audio track is very clear. The voices of the boy and mom are spot on. The voice of the dentist is a bit off. Shelli Wilbon does both the mother's voice and the dentist's and her attempt at voicing the male dentist doesn't quite work well. I love her sense of humor, such as having the dentist missing several teeth. It reminds me of the shoemaker not having any shoes - in that the dentist hasn't taken care of his teeth. The backgrounds are all well made - from the home shots to the dentist's office, they all ring true. My favorite scene is when the dentist lures the gorilla out of the boy's mouth with a banana. Clever. The ending is adorable. I love the dancing gorilla!
The message is pretty straightforward - take care of your teeth. Brush them so you won't have a gorilla growing in your mouth.
I give The Grimm 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults. Reviewed by Julie S., KIDS FIRST!
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