The short film begins with silent, black and white live-action, a dancer performing in front of a mirror. Then that movement translates into color...and the sounds of Afro-Brazilian drumming are joined with painted dancers and musicians, as well as textures and patterns that convey the heightened pulse. Black and white live-action is interspersed - and what emerges is a visual experience that embodies joyful dance in a way that is beyond verbal description.
I could not keep from moving along with the beat, all while feasting my eyes on the images before me. Clearly the filmmaker is no stranger to dance as well as film! I give this film 5 stars out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. Reviews by Ann B., KIDS FIRST!
The short film begins with silent, black and white live-action, a dancer performing in front of a mirror. Then that movement translates into color...and the sounds of Afro-Brazilian drumming are joined with painted dancers and musicians, as well as textures and patterns that convey the heightened pulse. Black and white live-action is interspersed - and what emerges is a visual experience that embodies joyful dance in a way that is beyond verbal description.
I could not keep from moving along with the beat, all while feasting my eyes on the images before me. Clearly the filmmaker is no stranger to dance as well as film! I give this film 5 stars out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. Reviews by Ann B., KIDS FIRST!
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