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What to know: Beautiful film, based on a true story.
SPIRAL, THE is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 12-18
8 minutes
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SPIRAL, THE cover image
This is a beautiful film, based on a true story. I love the emotions The Spiral portrays, as well as the underlying message about hope for the future.

The story is about a man with tremors who struggles to paint, so his daughter helps him recover.

The story is very engaging; I could feel the connections the characters have with each other. The camera quality is excellent; I especially like the way it contrasts certain shots. The settings are unremarkable, but they work for the film. The background music - primarily piano - helps set the tone. When tension rises, the music becomes more dramatic. The two main characters, the father and his daughter, have a very strong bond, and this is definitely what carries the film. The acting is very good; there is no dialogue, so body language and facial expressions tell their story. I was particularly touched when the man looks at a photograph of his daughter before he enters the MRI chamber; and then the ending, when he no longer has tremors - brought tears to my eyes. This film is based on a true story; there are miracles.

The message is that it is possible for your dreams to come true.

I give this 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. It is very moving, and inspires hope for the future. Reviewed by Calista B., KIDS FIRST!

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