This animated short film follows a group of six kids that call themselves the Cape Kids. Their talent, plus their heart are their superpower. They use their superpowers to defeat their enemy KRUMI, a dark cloud that brainwashes people into doing harmful things for the environment. They need to stop him before he does some serious damage to the environment.
The story line is fun and exciting film, while being informational. The 2D animation is well executed. The characters are very cartoonish looking and there are lots of varied camera angles where you can see everything going on around them. The backgrounds are pretty realistic looking. The costumes for the characters are fun. The background music doesn't stand out very much; it just helps support the pace of the show. The voice talent is good, although some of the female voices are annoyingly squeaky. KRUMI is voiced by Josh Banks, who is also the director. Rachel Annette Helson voices Moxie and is also the writer and producer. This is an independent film, which explains the dual roles, but everyone is very professional. In fact, I completely that it is an independent film once I was drawn into the story. My favorite thing about the film is that you get to learn and enjoy yourself at the same time.
The message of this film is that you don't have to have a superpower to get a super power. Your talent plus your heart equals your super power and you can use your super power for the greater good.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12. Reviewed by Giana N., KIDS FIRST
This animated short film follows a group of six kids that call themselves the Cape Kids. Their talent, plus their heart are their superpower. They use their superpowers to defeat their enemy KRUMI, a dark cloud that brainwashes people into doing harmful things for the environment. They need to stop him before he does some serious damage to the environment.
The story line is fun and exciting film, while being informational. The 2D animation is well executed. The characters are very cartoonish looking and there are lots of varied camera angles where you can see everything going on around them. The backgrounds are pretty realistic looking. The costumes for the characters are fun. The background music doesn't stand out very much; it just helps support the pace of the show. The voice talent is good, although some of the female voices are annoyingly squeaky. KRUMI is voiced by Josh Banks, who is also the director. Rachel Annette Helson voices Moxie and is also the writer and producer. This is an independent film, which explains the dual roles, but everyone is very professional. In fact, I completely that it is an independent film once I was drawn into the story. My favorite thing about the film is that you get to learn and enjoy yourself at the same time.
The message of this film is that you don't have to have a superpower to get a super power. Your talent plus your heart equals your super power and you can use your super power for the greater good.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12. Reviewed by Giana N., KIDS FIRST!
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