Have you ever felt like you are experiencing something negative that no one else is? Well, We Got You reassures you that there is someone who has been there and done that before, sharing the perspectives of kids on growing up, thriving and surviving in an uncertain world, and dealing with the darker aspects of life. Each episode has two parts. First, a kid speaks about their experiences. For example, one episode centers around a girl named Asha and her experiences with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Second, the floor is opened up for questions about the subject, which are submitted through the show's Twitter account, and the main speaker is joined by one or two other kids who share their personal experiences and thoughts. The show is hosted by actress Samantha Logan, but she takes a backseat in the podcasts, and it feels like each episode is really hosted by the kid who's sharing their thoughts.
The kids on the show are truly skilled raconteurs, presenting their experiences in an engaging way that makes you feel for them. Many of the speakers bore their hearts on the podcast, especially in the episodes about mental health, and it is heartwarming to see that they feel confident to share their experiences and thoughts so openly. The podcast is full of earnest perspectives and the roundtable segment features lots of great questions that I would definitely have asked. The sound designer Rob Ballingall also beautifully blends together sound bites with some sound effects and background music to make the podcast even more intricate.
The message of We Got You is quite simple: you don't have to go through anything alone. It's a podcast with a purpose, a beautiful one at that, and it's executed wonderfully.
I would give We Got You 5 stars out of 5, and recommend it for ages 12 to 18. You can listen to We Got You on TRAX at https://www.trax.fm/we-got-you
By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14
The We Got You podcast is an amazing outlet for kids and teens that don't have a voice or need extra inspiration to help cope with their challenges. This podcast is all about helping others hold onto hope.
Writer / creator (Halle Petro) and producer (Sonic Union) proudly presents We Got You. Many episodes have guest speakers that talk about their conflicts. The podcast covers such topics as dyslexia, anxiety, depression, PTSD, social media, bullying and lots more.
I love this podcast series, because it includes so many inspirational stories. I got a sense of thankfulness while listening to the first couple of episodes. Although the podcast is audio only, it makes you take the time to settle down and listen. The guest speakers are so strong in their ability to speak out and spread awareness. Each episode is about 15 to 20 minutes long. They are full of amazing stories and a Q and A. The Q and A at the end of each episode includes middle-schoolers from around the country that get their questions answered by teens that have been there before. Especially during these tough times due to COVID-19, taking care of our physical and mental health is important. The weekly advice in these podcasts encourages kids and teens to come of age in the world around us. In each episode the real life example is accompanied by music that transports the listener to that space. Listening to these stories can give anyone hope, courage and gratitude.
I got lots of messages from this podcast, although the one that stood out the most is to hold onto hope. Never give up; have courage!
I give the podcast series We Got You series 5 out 5 stars and recommend it for ages 9 to 16. The We Got You podcast is currently available on TRAX podcast page at https://www.trax.fm/we-got-you.
By Avery P., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13
We Got You is such an inspirational podcast. I love it. It shares stories from teens all over the country that have gone through hard times and makes them feel heard. This podcast also makes you feel lots of emotions and is almost as entertaining as a regular TV show.
For example, one of the episodes talks about Jaelin, an 18-year-old boy who lost both of his parents before the age of nine, and went through childhood being abused by his stepfather. His journey continues as Jaelin finds hope through his brothers and friends.
One of the best things about this podcast is the emotions. You can really feel all that Jaelin's been through, from the death of his first parent to losing his second. His enlightening speech gives you hope that there is always a way out, no matter how much you have been through. Many movies, TV shows and podcasts use music to convey emotions. However, We Got You doesn't need music to show what these kids are feeling; you only need to hear their stories. To be able to show emotion without music is pretty hard, so that really intrigued me.
In the words of Dumbledore, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, when only one remembers to turn on the light." This describes the message of the podcast (even though it's not said in that way), that you should never lose hope. There are no foul words or concepts, but there is some mention of aggressive behavior. An example is Jaelin speaking of his father both verbally and physically abusing him.
I give We Got You 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 10 to 18 and anyone who is going through a hard time. We Got You can be found on Trax at https://www.trax.fm/we-got-you.
By Apurva S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 12
The podcast We Got You is a series aimed towards tweens and teens that do not have someone to confide in. The speakers are older teenagers that have been through some difficult things that the younger teens are dealing with such as divorce, depression and suicide. Each episode begins with the host, Samantha Logan, introducing the topic of discussion, then the guest (an older teen) tells their story. Through the older teen's story, advice and reassurance for the younger teens is given.
This podcast is very well produced and informative. The audio is crisp; the intros on all the podcasts are uniform and the background music during the host's introduction is suitable. The issues addressed are perfect for tweens and teens. For example in the episode "Jazmine - Depression is OK to Discuss," Jazmine discusses how she felt extremely alone and could not understand why she felt so sad all the time. She reassures the listener that they are not "crazy" if their mental health is not 100% all the time and they should find healthy coping mechanisms to get themselves out of a depressive situation.
The message of this podcast is that you are not alone in feeling the way you do, that others have experienced similar things and can give you advice on how to manage your feelings.
I give We Got You 5 out of 5 stars and recommend this to ages 8 to 12. You can listen to this now on TRAX at https://www.trax.fm/we-got-you.
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