A Tale of Two Icebergs is a short animated film about global warming. When a mother and daughter iceberg break off from the rest of their glacier, they must evade water bottle companies and find cool water to survive.
The story is very well organized. There is no time wasted. The film introduces its audience to the conflict as soon as it begins. As the film progresses we are introduced to the many complications that have resulted from global warming. In the beginning, there is one scene in particular that caught my attention. The camera slowly zooms in through tall glaciers, only to reveal the melting ice behind it. It is a very clever way to reveal the current damage. The film takes place in a place populated with glaciers. After global warming breaks them apart, the set becomes a large body of water. This location is expected and works well to deliver the story's message. The background music compliments the tone of the film. The moment we meet them, we begin rooting for Glacia and her daughter Crystal. We are given reasons to worry about both of the girls as soon as we realize the danger they are about to face. I was interested to learn that luxury water is sourced directly from icebergs. When a water bottling company selects Crystal as their next target, her mother thinks quickly and punctures the ship with her sharp-ended underside.
The highest quality setting for this animated film is 480p. I have to say that I am a little nervous to see how this film will play on the big screen.
The message of this film is that humans are causing danger to the environment and something needs to be done, soon!
I give A Tale of Two Icebergs 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. The film delivers an important message in a way that would capture and hold the attention of young viewers. Reviewed by Stephanie O., KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror.
A Tale of Two Icebergs is a short animated film about global warming. When a mother and daughter iceberg break off from the rest of their glacier, they must evade water bottle companies and find cool water to survive.
The story is very well organized. There is no time wasted. The film introduces its audience to the conflict as soon as it begins. As the film progresses we are introduced to the many complications that have resulted from global warming. In the beginning, there is one scene in particular that caught my attention. The camera slowly zooms in through tall glaciers, only to reveal the melting ice behind it. It is a very clever way to reveal the current damage. The film takes place in a place populated with glaciers. After global warming breaks them apart, the set becomes a large body of water. This location is expected and works well to deliver the story's message. The background music compliments the tone of the film. The moment we meet them, we begin rooting for Glacia and her daughter Crystal. We are given reasons to worry about both of the girls as soon as we realize the danger they are about to face. I was interested to learn that luxury water is sourced directly from icebergs. When a water bottling company selects Crystal as their next target, her mother thinks quickly and punctures the ship with her sharp-ended underside.
The highest quality setting for this animated film is 480p. I have to say that I am a little nervous to see how this film will play on the big screen.
The message of this film is that humans are causing danger to the environment and something needs to be done, soon!
I give A Tale of Two Icebergs 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 12. The film delivers an important message in a way that would capture and hold the attention of young viewers. Reviewed by Stephanie O., KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror.
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