The Simpsons is an animated series about a family that includes Homer, a conservative alcoholic dad, Marge, a stay at home mom who takes care of everyone, Lisa, their genius, liberal daughter, Bart, their troubled son, and Maggie, a baby who can't talk but sucks on her pacifier. It's also about the town of Springfield and its citizens, which really represents any small town in middle America. The Simpsons uses satire to comment on social issues and politics. They make heavy issues funny and easy to digest. Like giving Homer, who is pretty dumb, an important job at a nuclear power plant.
I love all of the characters' voices. A few of my favorites are Lisa Simpson (Yeardley Smith), Bart Simpson (Nancy Cartwright), and Marge Simpson (Julie Kavner). One of my favorite Simpsons moments is when the family dog, Santa's Little Helper, is reunited with his mother in episode 22. It's heartfelt and sweet. The animation is colorful and really brings the characters and the town to life while creating its own world.
One positive message in The Simpsons is acceptance of diversity. There are characters of different races, religions and political views, and they all find a way to get along. The Simpsons does have a lot of adult themes and may not be appropriate for younger kids. There is sexual language and suggestive situations. Homer is a major drinker and goes to a bar called Moe's Tavern, nightly.
I give The Simpsons 5 out of 5 stars. I definitely recommend it for ages 10 to 18, plus adults. You can watch The Simpsons Season 31 on Disney+ starting Oct. 2.
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