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What to know: This will truly make you laugh, whether you're a parent or a kid.
5 MINUTES PEACE is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 5-18
13 minutes
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This short, live-action film made me laugh. It shows a mother struggling to deal with her sons while trying to find time to relax. It shows the struggles of parenthood while never condemning either the mom or the kids. It does feel that the story feels a little rushed. However, there are some interesting usage of center frames and the children's imagination is well represented. Some of the costumes are a bit cheesy but, in a way they emphasize a childlike wonder. I particularly enjoyed the imagination sequences. Overall, this film pretty well represents life as a mom, struggling to find some quiet space for herself. The characters are pretty normal, middle class kids and mom; there's nothing unique about them, but they're quite likable. The message of this film is that, despite their stress and struggles, parents are there for us. I give this 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for kids ages 6 to 18, as well as adults. Reviewed by Calista B. and Julie S., KIDS FIRST! jurors.
This short, live-action film made me laugh. It shows a mother struggling to deal with her sons while trying to find time to relax. It shows the struggles of parenthood while never condemning either the mom or the kids. It does feel that the story feels a little rushed. However, there are some interesting usage of center frames and the children's imagination is well represented. Some of the costumes are a bit cheesy but, in a way they emphasize a childlike wonder. I particularly enjoyed the imagination sequences. Overall, this film pretty well represents life as a mom, struggling to find some quiet space for herself. The characters are pretty normal, middle class kids and mom; there's nothing unique about them, but they're quite likable. The message of this film is that, despite their stress and struggles, parents are there for us. I give this 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for kids ages 6 to 18, as well as adults. Reviewed by Calista B. and Julie S., KIDS FIRST! jurors.
A mother dreams of having just five minutes of peace to try out her new meditation app. However, her two kids have other ideas on how best to spend the day. This short family film is a playful look into the struggles of being a parent - and the magic power of being a kid!
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