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What to know: Wonderful feature with young kids taking charge to figure out how to solve problems in a creative, yet humane way.
ADVENTURE HARBOR is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 10-18
85 minutes
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ADVENTURE HARBOR is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
see adult comments
Well done! Excellent camera work, great storyline, good acting, well edited, good background music. This reminds me of "Goonies" and "Spy Kids" in terms of the youth exploring things on their own, bringing in the adults when things get too out of control. A few things to give warning about: there is alcohol drinking and a fair amount of rather risky behavior exhibited by the kids. However, I still love it and think kids will also. I recommend it for ages 10 to 18, plus adults and give it 4 out of 5 stars. This feature would make a great addition to a kid & family film festival, especially for tweens and teens. Reviewed by Julie S., KIDS FIRST! Juror.
When two tween boys Nate and Tyler are pushed together by their parents developing relationship, they struggle to find anything in common as they are forced into a blended family. Nate's father Ben, loses his job and they all move in together. The newly formed family must figure things out fast. Nate and Tyler are exploring the beach area and meet Travis and Sarah. One night Travis and Sarah take them to their favorite secret spot in the harbor. The harbor has been closed off to the public, but that doesn't keep them from enjoying the beauty of the blue waters. As they explore the harbor one night, they see something stirring in the waters, something with beautiful colors that dance off the light of their flashlights. The kids soon realize it's some sort of mystical sea creature and quickly learn that she is injured and vulnerable. They must develop a plan to get her back to the open water and reunite her with her family. During this exciting adventure they meet both friends and foes but ultimately it pulls this family together and creates memories and a bond between these cast of characters that can never be broken.
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