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What to know: Original theme, inspirational message of hope and a happy ending.
FLYBOY is in the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival - it may not be a regular, endorsed title
Recommended age 8-18
118 minutes
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This script has an original theme and is inspirational with its message of hope. Its greatest strength is the message of hope and a happy ending. It flows well especially from the middle to the ending. The weakness is that it took me more than a few pages to get into it and understand exactly what was going on and I feel that this may be the case with many people. The characters are well developed and the story flows quite well, especially from the middle to the end. There are very few punctuation, grammatical or spelling mistakes. I found the theme interesting. I recommend for ages 12 though 18. This script has it all, from conflict to bad to good to friendship. I give it 3 out of 5 stars. Reviewed by Denise B., KIDS FIRST! Juror
In the vile orphanages of the 1940s there flourishes a monthly flying class whose devious design is to keep overcrowded children docile by toying with the imagination. The program is a rousing success until one child does the unthinkable, and sparks a revolution.
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