Each track tells a story that makes the listener either feel happy or sad. From shouting out animal noises in Cranky Pants, to learning how to deal with life's challenges in It Always Could Be Worse, children are taught humanity through different mixes of all genres of music including jazz, blues, salsa, afro-pop and more.
We Are One is surprisingly not a CD with songs simply about animals with human-like qualities. It teaches kids creativity and encourages them to use their imaginations to understand real life situations and people. After listening to the chorus of these tracks, you'll find that colorful songs like Awesome Possum and Snow Bird will stick in your head.
I give this CD 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for kids ages 2 to 6. You can stream these songs online at https://animalfarmband.bandcamp.com/album/we-are-one or buy the CD. Thanks for listening, peace out!
Reviewed by Brandon James J., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 9
At a glance, I love the concept of We Are One by Chicago based quartet Animal Farm. In the world we live in now, this refreshing album with the image of planet earth surrounded by a bunch of animal friends makes a great message, because we very much need inclusion and music!
We Are One is a compilation of happy tracks. The music is not the traditional harmonies that we often hear on children's music. It is an eclectic collection of song genres that you can enjoy - rock, country, folk and others. In general, it sounds very American.
In some songs, the ukulele, stands out and in others, the violin. The lyrics are fun and the vibe is very positive. There's a simple, but thoughtful storytelling within all songs.
My favorite tracks are "Cranky Pants," which for some reason sticks in my head, "Two Headed Tortoise," "Screen Time" and "The Abbys," which I love the French prelude because it reminds of Jacques Cousteau's marine explorations. When "Nocturnal Me" starts, it reminds me of the beautiful tune in Kansas' "Dust in the Wind." I may be 10 years old, but I love music from 60s, 70s and 80s).
I also love how, when you listen to this music, it sounds like regular songs and not a typical kids' CD. And, when you listen to the lyrics, they are very funny. When I listen to this album, I think of a family road trip with music in the background that all family members can enjoy and relate to.
Kudos for Animal Farm's musicians, educators and soul up-lifters for creating such terrific material for kids and people of all ages to enjoy.
Reviewed by KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Zoe C., age 10
Animal Farm's fun CD titled We are One is filled with music that give us lessons and things we should always remember. We are kids and kids sometimes don't understand the world. Sometimes we get confused or sad or mad for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes we can react and things that we thought were bad become worse, because we didn't think first. There are so many lessons in these songs plus they are just fun to listen to and sing along!
One of the songs I like best is called Slow Down. It is about a snail watching everyone in the world rush past him, scrambling to get here or to do this or that. He keeps telling people to slow down. I wish the world would slow down too. I wish people had time to sit and relax, talk and have fun. We are always going somewhere or doing something and we don't enjoy it much, because we are rushing to do something else. We should remember to take our time and really enjoy our life by taking time to appreciate everything.
Another song I like is called The Abyss. I had to look up that word. It means a big dark place that has no end or seems like it does. An animal says his house is in the abyss and that everyone is not going to like it because it is not their home, but he likes it because it is his home. We all feel more comfortable at our own home where we eat and talk to our family, sleep and do homework. We are most comfortable there. When we go to someone else's house, even if it is nice, we do not feel as comfortable as we do at home. This song tells kids to be happy that they have a home and to relax and be happy there.
The last song I'll mention is We are One. They saved the best song for last. There is so much bad going on in the world with so many different types of people, some thinking they are better than others. Some people are treated badly if they are handicapped or if they don't fit in. Everyone is different, but we all should be able to get along, be proud or ourselves and be nice to other people. The song talks about how we could all agree that, even if we are different, we are people and should make everyone feel comfortable.
I like this CD and recommend it to ages 5 to 12 and give it 4 out of 5 stars. It's available now, so look for it. Reviewed by KIDS FIRST! Film Critic SaniyaRain F., age 11
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