The documentary follows Ruben as he explores all his favorite places in the neighborhood he's grown up in, prior to moving someplace else. He shows us all his favorite places from the park where he's played all his life, to the neighborhood cafe, his school and more.
The cinematography is well done with good, clear audio. There are some parts when the wind mucks around with the audio but not enough to keep you from hearing what's being said. The selection of locations really give someone who's unfamiliar with the city, an idea of the types of places a young child might frequent.
I like the idea of this film as it documents contemporary life in a big city. It shows the relationships that Ruben has with the various people running or working at the different locations and we see evidence of community in action.
I recommend it for select KIDS FIRST! Film Festivals and give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. It is most suited for kids ages 5 to 10, especially those curious about how people live in another city and what their culture is like. Reviewed by Julie S., KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror.
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