This film follows the lives of four girls that live in different countries, have different types of school and learning priorities, showing us their differences and similarities. In South Sudan, school fees have to be paid in order to attend classes. In Palestine, the children have a long walk to get to school. In Romania, we see how the girls put an emphasis on stylish clothing and fashion. In Finland, we see people enjoying their hot tubs when it's cold outside.
The teachers focus on different subjects in different places such as physical safety, artistic creativity and physical exercise. In South Sudan, school children all dress in uniforms and they happily sing patriotic songs about freedom as well as songs of appreciation towards their teacher. This seems to enhance feelings of true community and mutual respect.
There are surprising indications of some violence in South Sudan where the instructor cautions the kids about the presence of landmines. Palestinian girls play a game involving slapping each other's hands with a stiff plastic strip. It looks painful. One girl describes it as something that must be endured.
The cinematography is quite wonderful. In South Sudan, we see the lush countryside, which contrasts with the lack of basic services such as electricity and running water. The aerial views of rural Finnish farmhouses and the rugged mountain terrain of Palestine are quite breathtaking. The background music reflects the local culture of the four countries.
My favorite part was watching the kids from all four countries participating in their local folk dancing. What great rhythm and timing they have. One comedic scene shows some Finnish people getting into their hot tub with bathing suits and furry hats on, then rolling in the snow on a cold winter night.
The message is about how we should live life to its fullest right now and that money does not matter. Also, the discipline of doing hard work as a child teaches some very important values for future success. I give this documentary 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. Reviewed by Jeff M., KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror
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