This animated film is the fifth sequel to the Digimon Adventures and it definitely builds a lot from the previous films.
The story is about how Meicoomon becomes a vicious creature, thus creating a perilous fight between the real world and the digital world.
My favorite part about this film is the authenticity of the characters and their emotions. It might sound weird that the animated characters are able to display a significant amount of passion and care for other characters in the film, but they do. Their emotions and reactions allow me to see past the drawings and the unlikelihood of this scenario.
My least favorite part is the style of the animation. The artwork looks like any main stream anime. The graphics didn't really hook me or caught my attention. Even the action and the fighting scenes are uneventful. They look somewhat dull and downplayed. I was looking forward to more intense explosions or epic toe-to-toe fighting scenes, but there is only a glimpse of exciting action throughout the whole film.
I give this DVD 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 6 to 14. It is available now so, look for it.
Reviewed by Raquel Y., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14
This entire series is very good at displaying consequences of both negative or positive behavior. It also displays excellent problem solving behavior. Watching this show might convince viewers to seek out others when they are going through tough times. The message is that life has complicated challenges but you can overcome them.
The vocabulary and concepts are suitable for the intended age group and could further enhance vocabulary and concepts the viewer does not understand. A good example of portraying social models is when the main protagonist feels that she might be responsible for a specific situation. One of the other main characters reassures her that this definitely isn't the case. This entire series is very good in displaying consequences of either negative or positive behavior.
The DVD menu allows scene selections, subtitles and a bonus feature interview.
You should be aware that at one point, a character pulls out a gun, but is no blast, and at another point we see a powerful being shaped somewhat like a naked woman. For that reason I give it 3 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 12 to 18, as well as adults. I would raise the highest age to 25 if I could, because it is so thought-provoking and intellectual.
Reviewed by Kimberly M., KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror
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