The story follows a young girl who is terminally, Matilde, who dreams of becoming a horse. Her rancher father catches a horse that won't let anyone ride it and the horse and Matilde develop a bond. Matilde is portrayed by Camila Robertson Glennie as a very sensitive little girl who may be wise beyond her years. Even though the subject of death underlies this story, it is not done in a dark or menacing way.
The cinematography is very well done and captures every scene with great beauty. The actors are also really talented, from the father with his stern, yet caring demeanor to the hopeful character of Matilde. The storyline flows well and is easy for kids to follow and relate to. The vocabulary is appropriate for a youth and family audience. The film is well paced and all the characters draw you in. A child would like its message about how your dreams can come true. I particularly enjoyed the animated segments when the grandmother tells Matilde the story about humans and horses. It's quite beautiful aesthetically and magical in its storyline.
The cinematography is excellent although there are times when the scenes are very dark and it's difficult to see people clearly. Yet, the close-ups are beautifully shot and reveal the characters' emotions very believably. The background music is quite lovely, especially during the animated section. The sets and locations are well chosen and the costuming quite appropriate. The closing credits are extraordinarily well done with terrific animation reflecting the entire film once again.
This is exactly the type of film that we look for! I give this film 4.5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend it for the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. I recommend it for ages 8 to 14 as well as adults. Reviewed by Angel Urquidi, KIDS FIRST! Adult Juror.
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