This short is bout a little girl who wants to save chimpanzees. I really like how there are so many different sets and locations including the beach, school, the park, the streets and houses of real people. The sound quality is great and I like that they used real chimpanzees. There is very little dialogue. I recommend it to the KIDS FIRST! Film festival because it has a great message and is educational as well as entertaining. The message of this movie is that chimpanzees shouldn't be in cages. They should be free to roam free in the forest. The fact that this film supports Dr. Jane Goodall's work is another plus. For any festival focused on the environment, preservation of endangered species and youth activism, this is a plus! I rate this film 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18. Adults will like it too. Reviewed by Damon F., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic
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A young girl's love for chimpanzees sends her on a journey to raise funds to save chimps from captivity, in hopes to deliver the funds to her hero Dr. Jane Goodall.
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