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Bullying is such a prevalent topic these days, both in and out of school. This film shows the interaction between boys, bullies and friends and a father, and the issues they are all dealing with. The acting is quite good. The script, quite realistic. The sets and background music all take you to a place in middle America that many of us can relate to. There is no diversity shown here, as everyone is white, middle class. In spite of that, I find it commendable and recommend it for the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival. I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 7 to 13. Reviewed by Julie S., KIDS FIRST! Juror
Young Matthew has struggled a lot over the past two years. Losing his mother to cancer, dealing with bullies, and now moving to a new town to get a "fresh start", it seems like everything in his world is upside down.
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