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Voting, sexism, disability, teens - all good topics for a student film. I love that this film addresses these important issues and the conversations about them are meaningful. Casting a child actor as someone with cerebral palsy who actually has the disease definitely makes a statement in this film. Everyone in the cast seems quite suited to their roles. The visuals are well done as is the audio. The only issue I have with it is the background sounds when the kids are speaking backstage. It's a bit too loud and overshadows the dialogue. The film takes a twist at the end that will pull at your heart-strings and makes us see how everyone has a disability of some sort. Highly recommended for the KIDS FIRST! Film Festival for ages 10 to 14. Reviewed by Julie S., KIDS FIRST! Reporter.
Julia has cerebral palsy (played by Julia Illy who really does have cerebral palsy) but that's not going to stop her from walking on-stage for the school's debate to be the next sixth grade president. It's undebatable that Julia is the best candidate yet does everyone see her qualifications or her disorder.
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