This is a delightfully animated short film with a most appealing storyline. A little girl comes across a hole in the ground and is curious as to why there is a random hole in the ground. She befriends it by keeping it company, playing with it, bringing it toys, food and other stuff. One day, she see that something sprouting from the hole. With great excitement she and her cat celebrate and bring it all kinds of trinkets and ornaments. Then, she brings a flower pot and transplants the growing plant and takes it with her. A child would enjoy this film because of the silly things that the little girl does to befriend the hole in the ground. The story definitely flows well with a beginning, middle, and end. It makes sense and is very watchable. A little girl narrates her story and the concepts are definitely suitable for a young audience. The animation is well produced with great sound affects and clear, beautiful illustrations. I very much like the sketched look of the film and certain parts being in color while others are shades of gray. The narration is in Spanish with English sub-titles. Highly recommended for KIDS FIRST! Film Festival, for ages 5-8. Reviewed by Melanie S., KIDS FIRST! Juror.
A little girl comes out to play in the garden and discovers a hole. She begins to take care of it and wants to play with it. As nothing happens she gets very mad, until one day a tiny leaf pops up and she became very happy to see that her efforts have been rewarded.
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