This is an animated movie where the main character is a little boy named Pocoyo. There is also a silly duck named Pato who has crazy eyes, a pink elephant named Elly, a cute colorful dog named Loula and a little bird named Sleepy Bird. There is also a narrator with an English accent which I think is cool.
In the beginning, I thought Pocoyo was mean because he tries to scare his friends a lot. As the movie developed, I realized that Pocoyo is just a little boy who is learning how to treat others just like any other kid.
My favorite character is Pato because he is so silly and has crazy looking eyes, especially when he is scared. The movie is perfect for Halloween because there are monsters, silly Halloween dress ups and aliens, but it isn't too scary for younger kids. The characters do silly things that made me laugh but also made me think "where are the parents?" Then I remembered, it's just a movie and Pocoyo and his friends have great imaginations!
This movie is perfect for younger kids who will learn important lessons and learn to use their imagination - both of which are very important. I loved this show when it played on Nick Jr. when I was younger and I still love it now thanks to this movie. I watched the movie with my 3-year-old cousin and she loved it. She laughed the entire time and now this is her favorite show. I recommend this for kids ages 1 to 6. I think parents will like it too since it teaches kids important life lesson about how to treat others in a fun way. This is a perfect movie for families to watch together this Halloween. I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars because I don't think the characters talk enough.
By Katlyn Martins, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 11
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