The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Halloween is an animated film about Nick and Sally who wait until the very last minute, Halloween Day, to get their costumes. The Cat (Martin Short) takes them on a journey full of excitement to find their Halloween costumes in the Oooky-ma-kooky Closet. They must travel through many spooky places to find this special closet. They trek through scary caves and an eerie tree forest. They encounter howlers, shockers and scary fandangles. They even find out The Cat doesn't like pumpkin patches.
The greatest feature of this film is its colorful animation. The visual appeal attracts viewers and pulls them in with fun, happy and cheerful characters. My favorite character is definitely The Cat. His optimism and imaginative ideas make you want to see where he's going to take the kids next. My favorite part of this film is when they get to go to the Oooky-ma-kooky Closet and try on various costumes as pirates, cowgirls and animals. The song that accompanies this scene, "What Will You Be?" stayed in my head for a long time afterwards. This is my favorite episode because I love playing dress up and this scene is right up my alley.
I give this film 4 out of 5 stars because the film is great, but not for my age range. I recommend this film for children ages 3 to 7 because of the youngish scenarios. It's a feel-good movie that will give young viewers a fun friendly Halloween movie that's not too scary. It is available on DVD now so go check it out.
Reviewed by Linda D., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 12
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