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CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER cover image Click to play video trailer
I heard there was a comic book where Captain America (Chris Evans) is a soldier working with another super hero before he turned into a super human. I expected movie to be like that but I was brutally wrong. "Captain America: Winter Soldier" is a cool movie many Marvel fans and non-fans will enjoy.

This film has lots to offer for all fans. This blockbuster includes action, romance, conspiracy, adventure, comedy, thrill and, of course, super heroes.

The story starts when Captain America is doing his thing - saving everyone. Soon however, Shield starts to act more privately about a new project that is being formed. Something is going on that worries Captain America. What is it? And how does he fix it? To find the answer to these questions you must watch the movie.

This movie has a great cast (Robert Redford, Scarlett Johansson) and a great concept. However, because we all know how amazing this super hero is, the ending is somewhat predictable. Some moments drag a bit but the special effects are completely off the charts. The story line is well conceived. However, I would have liked this movie more if it was not told from Captain America's point of view. I think this film would be fantastic if it was told from Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson)'s point of view. Some camera shots are so fast that they are a bit difficult to follow but overall, the special effects are spectacular! The technology alone in this movie will satisfy even the most discerning sci-fi fans.

My favorite scene is when Captain America is in an elevator and all kinds of people equipped with weapons enter on different floors. This is when Captain America realizes for the first time that something is not right. Finally, Captain America asks, "Does anybody want to get off before we start this?" Then, all people in the elevator attack him. It's an amazing action scene. I don't think this has ever been done before - such a complex fight scene in the tight space inside an elevator. The director and editors make the whole movie not only very engaging but very funny too which is a great mix of emotions.

This film has tons of action, gunplay, death and some intense violence, so I recommend it for ages 9 to 18 and I would rank it 4 out of 5 stars. Reviewed by KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Gerry O., age 12.

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is a great Sci-Fi film with lots of adventure and action. Steve Rogers AKA Captain America (Chris Evans) is quietly living in Washington D.C. trying to adjust to his new world. However one of his S.H.I.E.L.D. associates is not doing so well and is being attacked. A lot of things are happening that are putting the world, as we know it, in danger. Steve gets help from Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) to reveal what is going on and try to save millions of lives.

This film is easy to understand and follow, even if you're not a die-hard Marvel follower. It's good! I like the overall story line, the pace of the film and the costumes. The fighting scenes and stunts are well choreographed and really keep the action going. The actors' performances are truthful and show real dedication to the characters to the point that you totally dislike the villains. My favorite actor is Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson/Falcon) because he is funny with some of the expressions and words he uses. Also, I like his Falcon suit that gives him the ability to fly around like a bird. I have a lot of favorite scenes in this film, but one that stands out is the elevator scene. It starts off with Captain America on the elevator and at each floor more and more people get on. Captain America senses that something is about to happen and knows he will have to defend himself as usual. So, right before the fight breaks out, he gives says, "Before we start, does anyone want to get off?" I like this scene because it has lots of action in such a small and confined space.

A message that I get from this film is "Stand up for what is right even if not that many people are standing with you." It's a good message and one I can relate to.

I recommend this film for ages 12 to 18 and anyone who loves The Avengers and Marvel. It's rated PG-13 for some very intense violence scenes with a lot of gunplay. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. Reviewed by Brianna Hope B., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14. Another action packed movie, full of twists and turns and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Captain America aka Steve Roger (Chris Evans) has new enemies to fight - not only a deadly adversary, Winter Solider (Sebastian Stan) but S.H.I.E.L.D. itself. Roger can't trust anybody in his battle to crack the secrets of the world in which he now lives.

This film has everything I look for in a superhero film. The characters are already established which allows the writers to explore these characters and to introduce more personalities. I get a kick out of their relationships and the witty remarks they share with each other. Action is essential in a film like this and I appreciate how the Captain's shield is used in these sequences. How it bounces back and forth, hits a target and returns to Roger is impressive. The camera angles show everything that's going on. It's fast paced, entertaining and not just mindless violence.

The story, while based on the comic book, stands on its own. This film captures the sheer mystery and conflict between the characters. Even if you're a not comic-book fan, you can still be shocked by the twists this film throws at you.

My favorite character is one I've loved for a long time, Falcon aka Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie). As a fan of Marvel, I'm ecstatic to see this character reimaged. Mackie performs exceptionally in this part; he is dignified, smart and an expert in high flying combat. Seeing him soar though the skies and fight alongside Captain America ignites my inner geek.

My favorite scene is when Nick Furry (Samuel L. Jackson) is out-numbered and fights for his life during a car chase. This has amazing action and shows Jackson being awesome. It's primitive, but it's true.

The moral here is, "You don't have to destroy an old philosophy to create a new one." Captain America is stuck in his old ways. Fury says "You need to look at the world as it is, not as you would like it to be." While to some extent that's true, Roger needs to show them that sometimes it's not.

I give this film 5 out of 5 stars and recommend this for 11 to 18 year olds. There is violence and occasional language, but kids can enjoy seeing their stars and stripes hero back in action and be excited for "Avengers: Age of Ultron."

Keefer C. Blakeslee, Age 13, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic

Another action packed movie, full of twists and turns and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Captain America aka Steve Roger (Chris Evans) has new enemies to fight - not only a deadly adversary, Winter Solider (Sebastian Stan) but S.H.I.E.L.D. itself. Roger can't trust anybody in his battle to crack the secrets of the world in which he now lives.

This film has everything I look for in a superhero film. The characters are already established which allows the writers to explore these characters and to introduce more personalities. I get a kick out of their relationships and the witty remarks they share with each other. Action is essential in a film like this and I appreciate how the Captain's shield is used in these sequences. How it bounces back and forth, hits a target and returns to Roger is impressive. The camera angles show everything that's going on. It's fast paced, entertaining and not just mindless violence.

The story, while based on the comic book, stands on its own. This film captures the sheer mystery and conflict between the characters. Even if you're a not comic-book fan, you can still be shocked by the twists this film throws at you.

My favorite character is one I've loved for a long time, Falcon aka Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie). As a fan of Marvel, I'm ecstatic to see this character reimaged. Mackie performs exceptionally in this part; he is dignified, smart and an expert in high flying combat. Seeing him soar though the skies and fight alongside Captain America ignites my inner geek.

My favorite scene is when Nick Furry (Samuel L. Jackson) is out-numbered and fights for his life during a car chase. This has amazing action and shows Jackson being awesome. It's primitive, but it's true.

The moral here is, "You don't have to destroy an old philosophy to create a new one." Captain America is stuck in his old ways. Fury says "You need to look at the world as it is, not as you would like it to be." While to some extent that's true, Roger needs to show them that sometimes it's not.

I give this film 5 out of 5 stars and recommend this for 11 to 18 year olds. There is violence and occasional language, but kids can enjoy seeing their stars and stripes hero back in action and be excited for "Avengers: Age of Ultron."

Keefer C. Blakeslee, Age 13, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic

Whether you are a Marvel fan or not, you'll find the latest installment of Captain America to be a great political thriller with a compelling story line. There are a few twists, some expected, some not. The story revolves around Steve Rogers struggling to embrace his role in the modern world, dealing with S.H.I.E.L.D., and battling the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier. This is rated PG-13 for good reason. From the very start, there is lots of action and violence but it's not graphic. "The special effects are completely off the charts!" comments KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Gerry O. "Another action packed movie full of twists and turns and I thoroughly enjoyed it." adds KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Keefer B. See both of their reviews in our youth comments section.
Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier. Starring Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson.
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