It is not overly violent and uses appropriate language. The bad guys are there and are typical bad guys that you really don't like. There is an 11-year-old main character who is very likable and someone children this age can easily relate to. One of the main strengths of the screenplay is its characters, especially Magic, Renny and Walt Whitman, the dead poet. They are interesting and realistic. They have visual appeal and their dialogue flows naturally.
It is very marketable. I see its commercial potential in its characters and the plot. The quest the boy undertakes is an adventure kids will find interesting and it comes to a successful conclusion.
A child can learn a valuable lesson from this screenplay. Young Magic Pierce is a young boy who has lost his dad. His dad died while in the army. He meets the dead poet in a time of crisis and Magic has the opportunity to be a hero and take on a quest to save the day. He learns not to give up, to believe in himself and to be persistent.
We give it 4 out of 5 stars.
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