Recommended age 2-5
43 minutes
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"Juno was nice when she didn't press the red button. Bunny was not good when he pressed the red button and the man told her not to." "It was funny when the frogs sing and birds tweet, and when all sang 'tweet tweet'" "I want to ride trains, see frogs at ponds and learn more about everything I saw." Kids lost interest at times, like during long songs and when there was less action. They were engaged most of the time, especially when prompted for participation.
Uses puppets and animation to teach about music basics such as rhythm and melody. Whimsical characters and charming story are well-suited for preschoolers. The characters invite participation by talking directly to viewers and providing scenes with live-action children doing activities, like dancing, that kids can imitate. Enchanting story, offering a rare learning experience.
Bunny accidentally presses the big red button on Murphy's Shush Machine, inadvertently silencing the town of Harmonia Springs. Juno realizes that in order to bring life back to the town, she and her friends have to create their own music through melody, harmony, rhythm, and most of all, friendship.
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