Recommended age 5-12
10 minutes

Wonderful production with a greatly important message for all of us. Great visuals that blend animation and live action. Wonderful voice over by Linda Hunt. This joint project between Sea Studios Foundation, LAIKA/house, Funjacket Enterprises and the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the Harvard Medical School delivers an inspiring fictional narrative that blends the element of a fairy tale with a message about ocean conservation. Perfect for screenings at museums, schools, libraries, aquariums, zoos and theaters. Visually stunning and emotionally provocative.
Gold Award, KIDS FIRST! Best 2009. Told through the voice of Academy-Award winner Linda Hunt as the Storyteller, the narrative is set in a time, not unlike our own, when a spell has been cast causing people to forget about the ocean and its importance in our lives. We meet a young girl who is traveling to the ocean for the first time and, led by her, we embark on a fantastic journey where orcas swim through cornfields, scientists talk in rhyme and the power of dreams help her, and us, discover how the ocean touches all parts of our Earth and nurtures our existence. We also learn about the dangerous threats to the ocean and are left inspired to join the young girl in an effort to conserve this part of our planet which is so important.
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