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What to know: Just like any pet owner, Jane Goodall believes that all animals can talk -- it's just that we don't always understand what they're saying.
Recommended age 8-18
90 minutes
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Kids enjoyed this but they did feel it was a bit long. "It was interesting that they talked about more than monkeys." "It made me wonder what my cat is really thinking." "I want one of those birds that can talk." Some of the claims were a bit unbelievable until they explained about the training." "Those people were amazing. They are from all over the world. Everyone seemed really into what they were studying or training." "I liked how they moved from one story to another so you never got bored." "It's a little too long but it's all interesting." "I would like to learn more about the rat training." "The trained dogs were amazing!" Favorite parts: 1. Rat training, 2. Kids reading with the dogs, 3. Dogs at Ground Zero, 4. Bird that can talk. We loved it!
Very educational and fun. Attractive to kids and adults alike. Lots of variety in humans and animals. Wonderful diversity in those portrayed. A bit long for the age group. Teaches respect for animals and nature. Very holistic and looks at the big picture. Deep science and historical grounding. Teaches patience. Stresses no preconceived ideas about living things. Beautifully edited and produced.
Just like any pet owner, Jane Goodall believes that all animals can talk -- it's just that we don't always understand what they're saying. When Animals Talk recounts the amazing stories of animals that have changed the lives of the people they've touched. We witness how animals can learn our language and find unique human-animal partnerships that make the world a better place. We also will discover how we humans can learn the languages of animals through science. We will listen in on the "conversations" that can take place between animals and humans, and the amazing results that these mutual comprehensions can yield. Dr Goodall's message is that communicating with animals brings humankind closer to another world, and that such liaisons can bring about unexpected benefits to both.
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