Very enjoyable. Even kids who thought it would not be interesting enjoyed it. "It was funny and we learned something too." "Its fun to watch." "We loved the Muppets and Morgan, the inquisitive girl who is like us. " "It was good, not perfect. I would have liked more video and less still pictures." Kids liked the game show.
This is a great series and this episode is up to par with the others. A combination of live action, puppets, animation, and still images are blended seamlessly to make history and information compelling for kids and adults. It is filled to the brim with information delivered in a fast-paced style that holds your attention. Love this series.
Dave and Augie are two puppets who travel to different historic sites and discover the significance it has on the history of the United States. This episode features the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island and contains two history segments, two game show segments and a music video.
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KIDS FIRST! Goes Local: Submit a review & win!