Re-thinking the Brain
Source: Families and Work Institute. (1997). Rethinking the Brain:
New Insights into Early Development. p.18.
- How a brain develops depends on the genes you are
born with
- How a brain develops hinges on a complex interplay
between the genes you're born with and the experiences
you have.
- The experiences you have before age three have a
limited impact on later development.
- Early experiences have a decisive impact on the
architecture of the brain, and on the nature and extent
of adult capacities.
- A secure relationship with a primary caregiver
creates a favorable context for early development and
- Early interactions don't just create a context; they
directly affect the way the brain is "wired."
- Brain development is linear: the brain's capacity to
learn and change grows steadily as an infant progresses
toward adulthood.
- Brain development is non-linear: there are prime
times for acquiring different kinds of knowledge and
- A toddler's brain is much less active than the brain
of a college student.
- By the time children reach age three, their brains
are twice as active as those of adults. Activity levels
drop during adolescence.