Horacio Quiroga, Storyteller is a visually endearing film that mixes elements of animation and the advantages of a documentary to craft an all around gem of a film. Ths film chronicles the life of Horacio Quiroga, a genius of his time who wrote short stories and poems throughout his entire life. This film encompasses his achievements into a film presented by the students and teachers from El Mate Film School in Argentina. I enjoyed the various visual tools used to enhance the interest and understanding of what was going on onscreen. This gives every scene a new color scheme to experiment with and gave me a better idea of what to expect. The animation makes it more unique and more interesting. It has several different animated segments featuring dazzling colors and different animals. Quiroga was a person full of ideas; a movie about him should be the same. I found this film hard to get into at first. The first ten to fifteen minutes were confusing. The styles of animation and nuances of documentaries didn't blend well together and weren't represented well onscreen. As the film continued, it found its calling and sharply improved. It becomes more of a tribute to Quiroga and I appreciated this. You should know that there are some unsettling subjects explored in the film that could lead to conversations at home. I'm not talking about anything too edgy, but I think suicide is a difficult topic for younger kids. Also most of the segments don't seem like they were made for younger audiences. I recommend this film for ages 7 to 18. I think adults and fans of Quiroga's work will particularly enjoy this film. Horacio Quiroga, Storyteller should be screened at KIDS FIRST! Film Festivals and I give it 4 out of 5 stars. Reviewed by Benjamin P., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic.
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A journey through the life and work of the writer Horacio Quiroga: his stories, passions and time. Collaboratively developed by children and adults - parents and teachers included - at "El Mate" Cinema Workshop, a film school for children in Argentina. The film is a profuse narrative and visual "collage" that seamlessly brings together fiction, documentary material and animated sequences transiting cities of Uruguay and Argentina.
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